Happy single awareness day!
Don’t commiserate yourself on the annual lack of boyfriend/girlfriend, there is worse things you could be doing than weeping at photos and drunk texting your ex.
We 'll give you 5 awesome things that don't require a special someone to make your valentine day special just for you.
One advantage about being single, it's not having to stress out what are you gonna do on the 14th, Don't worry about finding a date or on the other side, trying stridently to assured the fact that you're single.
Just..have fun, do something to yourself, be happy!
Treat yourself!
All that money that you're not spending on an overpriced dinner spend it on yourself. Make a plan about doing something that you've been wanting to do for a long time, Get a pedicure, buy a sonic screwdriver, go to an improve class and give yourself the gift of being, heeh..relaxed.
The people, okay! not the show, well, it could be the show if you can spend the whole day with your friends watching Friends or geeking out watching Community with your study buddies or you could go to the beach with your pal, which are probably people that you've met on Facebook ..
uh, I don't call anybody pal, do you cal.. it doesn't matter, if you have pals hang out with them.
Yeah! I am telling you to exercise on Valentine's Day, and get some fresh air, go on a hike or a bike ride, take your dog on a long walk, after all pets are proven to make you happier
Okay, this is solid one, spend some time at a local soup kitchen, animal shelter or some other charitable organisation that need your help, it's a great way to give back to the community and help others feel good.
Well guys February 14th is just another day! don't feel pressured to make it special, in fact, you don't have to take any advice we gave you today, just be yourself, eat chocolate, surround yourself with people you like, have a breaking bad marathon, do what you need to do.
In the end, I just want to say... Happy Valentine's Day.
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This is excellent and well written! I wrote something similar in more general every day terms and how to look forward in life that you might enjoy.